Using horseradish peroxidase (HRP) as a soluble protein tracer, electron microscopic studies were carried out in order to analyze endocytosis in the ruffle-ended ameloblasts of rat incisors. Accumulated HRP was initially incorporated from the ruffled border into the cytoplasm by means of pinocytotic vacuoles (pinosomes) and pinocytotic coated vesicles. The majority of the HRP was taken up by the large number of pinosomes, which then formed large endocytotic vacuoles by fusing either with each other or with preexisting endocytotic vacuoles. As time passed HRP accumulated, not in the pinosomes and ruffled border but in the endocytotic vacuoles and multivesicular bodies. Frequent connections between HRP-labeled coated vesicles and these cytoplasmic bodies indicate that these vesicles serve as an HRP carrier. These findings strongly suggest that ruffle-ended ameloblasts actively absorb soluble proteins from the enamel matrix during enamel maturation.