Structure and decay of a four-quasiparticle15isomer inTa180

A four quasiparticle high-K isomer with a meanlife of 45(2) μs has been identified at 1451 keV in Ta180, populated in the Yb176 (11B,α3n)180Ta reaction. The isomer decays into a rotational band which is associated with the two-quasiparticle 9 isomer at 75.3 keV. Analysis of the branching ratios within that band and the magnetic moment for the 9 isomer, supports the configuration assignment to the 9 isomer. The K hindrance for the E2 decay of the 15 isomer to the 9 band is substantially lower than that for an apparently similar 15 isomer in Ta178, a difference which can be attributed partly to a change from the π9/2[514]ν39/2+ [624]7/2[514]5/2[512] configuration in Ta178 to the π39/2[514]7/2+[404]5/2+[402]ν9/2+[624] configuration in Ta180. The reduced hindrance factors for E2 decays from related four-quasiparticle isomers in the isotopes Ta176,178,180 match the hindrances of the corresponding E2 decays from component 6+ core states in the hafnium isotopes, Hf174,176,178. © 1996 The American Physical Society.