THE SYNDROME originally described by Tietze, in 19211consisted of pain and swelling without suppuration of the costochondral cartilages, the second costochondral cartilage being most frequently involved. The majority of the cases were in young adults, but subsequent reports suggest that there is no real predilection for a specific age group. Sexes appear to be involved equally. The disease may begin as an upper respiratory tract infection with cough, pyrexia, and pleuritic pain. As the chest swelling appears, the patient may notice pain in this region aggravated by cough. The symptoms may last from several days to several weeks and then subside gradually without sequelae. The etiology is unknown, and the various theories as to the cause are well reviewed elsewhere,2but it has been variously associated with infectious, neoplastic, traumatic, and emotional conditions. There appears to be no specific treatment. The American literature contains very few references