Nutritional management of pregnancy in patients on home parenteral nutrition

Summary. Three pregnancies are reported in two patients on home parenteral nutrition for intestinal failure. The nutritional regimen, 2300 kcal (9.63 MJ) (18% as lipid emulsion), 14 g amino acid nitrogen and electrolytes supplied daily in a‘big bag’, was based on the measured resting energy expenditure and urinary nitrogen excretion during the third trimester in a 30‐year‐old woman on home parenteral nutrition. Commercial preparations of trace elements were added to the infusion as dictated by serum levels. Iron, iodine and fluoride were given orally, and vitamin B12 by monthly intramuscular injection. There were no serious deficiencies in trace elements and maternal weight‐gain and fetal growth were satisfactory in all three pregnancies. The two pregnancies in one patient went to term and both infants had birthweights at the 50th centile for gestational age. The second patient who had had two spontaneous abortions went into premature labour at 30 weeks and gave birth to a baby with a minor facial deformity who subsequently developed the idiopathic respiratory distress syndrome. All three placentas were histologically normal. The growth and development of all three babies has been satisfactory. This nutritional regimen should be adequate for most pregnant patients who have attained a normal nutritional status on parenteral nutrition.