Spallation of copper by 80-GeVAr40Ions

Cross sections for the production of 35 radioactive nuclides extending from Be7 to Ga67 by the interaction of 80-GeV Ar40 ions with Cu have been measured. These are compared with existing results for other relativistic heavy ions and for 28-GeV protons incident on Cu targets of various thicknesses. Differences in shapes of the yield distributions for products with 37A64 are inferred to arise primarily from increased secondary effects in the semithick targets used for the heavy-ion studies. The larger absolute cross sections (corrected to zero target thickness) for Ar40 ions appear to be due solely to the increased total reaction cross section, σR, over that for protons. The production of target fragments with 22A64 is estimated to account for ≅ 70% of σR. Calculations using realistic nuclear density distributions suggest that such products are formed in peripheral collisions (impact parameters ≳ 5 fm) in which there is no strong overlap of the cores of the Ar40 and Cu nuclei. Lighter products are presumed to result from more central collisions, and these are enhanced by factors larger than expected from σR (a factor of 2 greater in the case of Be7). The application of the concepts of limiting fragmentation and factorization as a framework for the interpretation of highenergy heavy-ion induced reactions with complex nuclei is discussed.