Ochratoxins A and B, Xanthomegnin, Viomellein and Vioxanthin Production by Isolates of Aspergillus ochraceus from Green Coffee Beans

Isolates from Aspergillus ochraceus obtained from green coffee beans were cultured on rice and water. After 20 d of growth the cultures were extracted with chloroform and the extracts were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography for ochratoxin A (OA), ochratoxin B (OB), xanthomegnin (X), viomellein (V) and vioxanthin (VX). Forty-three percent of the isolates produced OA at an average level of 397 μg of toxin/g rice, 17% produced OB at an average level of 312 μg/g, and 84% produced X, V, and VX at an average level of 281, 417 and 386 μg/g, respectively. The highest levels of toxin production were OA, 2088 μg/g; OB, 3375 μg/g; X, 1562 μg/g; V, 2514 μg/g; and VX, 2054 μg/g. VX has not previously been reported as an A. ochraceus metabolite.