Small pieces of mouse pancreas were rapidly frozen in helium II, substituted in methanol at -75°C., and embedded in methacrylate by ultraviolet polymerization in the cold. The unstained cells show a structure similar to that after OsO4 fixation, except that the RNP particles have little or no contrast and the mitochondria and Golgi zones appear as grey areas without internal structure. After staining the sections by floating them on solutions of lead acetate or osmium tetroxide, there is an increase in contrast of RNP particles, ergastoplasmic membranes, and zymogen granules. Mitochondrial and Golgi membranes, zymogen granule membranes, and a membrane along the outside of the ergastoplasmic cisterna appear in negative contrast. The structure of the ergastoplasm, the existence of RNP particles, and the production of negative contrast are discussed. A modification of Gomori's method for acid phosphatase produces a lead deposit around the periphery of the zymogen granules. Possibly this deposit does not represent the true site of the enzyme, but the results show the feasibility of histochemistry at the level of resolution of the electron microscope.