Muscle spindles were isolated from freshly removed cat lumbrical muscles in oxygenated Ringer's solution and placed in a solution containing 10 ml of 0.1% nitro blue tetrazolium and 10 ml of 0.2 M phosphate buffered sodium succinate, pH 7.6. Spindles were incubated in this solution at 37 C for 4-12 hr, returned to Ringer's for 30 min at room temperature, fixed in 10% formal-Ringer's for 30 min, and stored indefinitely in distilled water. With this technique the patterns of sensory innervation can be clearly visualized by the deposition of diformazan. The stained preparations may be mounted in glycerol and teased further for whole mount inspection or they may be embedded in Epon and serially sectioned for more detailed study.