Decay ofOs193toIr193

The energies and relative intensities of the γ rays of Os193 (T½=32 h) have been measured with a Ge(Li) detector. γγ coincidences and βγ coincidences were studied to obtain energies of nuclear states in Ir193. In all 24 detected γ transitions have been ordered between 11 nuclear energy states. The energies of these transitions are 73, 98, 107, 139, 180, 219, 252, 281, 289, 299, 322, 362, 379, 388, 420, 438, 461, 486, 512, 533, 559, 574, 713, and 874 keV, establishing excited energy states at 73, 139, 180, 362, 438, 461, 559, 680, 713, and 874 keV in the nucleus of Ir193. γ rays corresponding to transition energies of 618, 780, and 830 keV were also observed, but these transitions could not be suitably incorporated into the disintegration scheme.