Rapid Vesicular Release, Quantal Variability, and Spillover Contribute to the Precision and Reliability of Transmission at a Glomerular Synapse

The amplitude and shape of EPSC waveforms are thought to be important determinants of information processing and storage in the brain, yet relatively little is known about the origins of EPSC variability or how it affects synaptic signaling. We investigated the stochastic determinants of AMPA receptor-mediated EPSC variability at cerebellar mossy fiber–granule cell (MF-GC) connections by combining multiple-probability fluctuation analysis (MPFA) and deconvolution methods. The properties of MF connections with a single release site and the effects of the rapidly equilibrating competitive antagonist kynurenic acid on EPSCs suggest that receptors are not saturated by glutamate during a quantal event and that quanta sum linearly over a wide range of release probabilities. MPFA revealed an average of five vesicular release sites per MF-GC connection. Our results show that the time course of vesicular release is rapid (decay, τ = 75 μs) and independent of release probability, introducing little jitter in the shape or timing of the quantal component of the EPSC at physiological temperature. Moreover, the peak vesicular release rate per release site after an action potential (AP) (∼3 ms–1) is substantially higher than previously reported for central synapses. Interaction of amplitude fluctuations arising from quantal release and quantal size with the slower, low variability spillover-mediated current produce substantial variability in EPSC shape. Our simulations of MF-GC transmission suggest that quantal variability and transmitter spillover extend the voltage from which AP threshold can be crossed, improving reliability, and that fast vesicular release allows precise signaling across MF connections with heterogeneous weights.