This note describes facial sensations associated with transient monocular blindness (TMB). Five patients are reported from a group of approximately 65 patients with TMB whom I observed. Facial sensory symptoms associated with TMB are common enough to be encountered by most practitioners who see patients with cerebrovascular diseases, though some patients will not describe the associated symptoms unless asked. REPORT OF CASES Case 1. —A 50-year-old woman with mitral stenosis and intermittent atrial fibrillation reported "warmth... like flushing" and a "slightly tingly" sensation in the midright cheek one day after cardiac catheterization. The sensation lasted one to two minutes and was followed within one minute by total visual loss on the right side that continued for two minutes. The TMB resolved with a shade that ascended. The patient indicated the affected area by placing her open palm over the fleshy part of her cheek; the skin over the mandible was