Effects of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor on respiratory burst activity of neutrophiis in patients with myelodysplastic syndromes

The superoxide (O2‐releasing capacity in response lo N‐fomiyl‐methionyl‐leucyl‐phenylalanine (FMLP)and the priming effects ofrecombinant human granuloeyte colony‐stimulating factor (rhG‐CSF) and granulocyte‐macrophage colony‐stimulating faclor (rhGM‐CSF) on FMLP‐induced O2 release were investigated in neutrophils from 14 patients with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS). The O2 ‐releasing capacity in MDS neutrophils varied from patient to patient. As compared with normal neutJ‐ophils. theO2‐releasing capacity in MDS neutrophils was increased in 9/14 patients, nonnal in three patients and decreased in two patients. There was no close relationship between the 02‐reIeasing capacity and the peripheral blood neutrophil count or the plasma concentration of C‐reactive protein. The priming of neutrophils by rhG‐CSF was not observed in five patients, whereas rhGM‐CSF primed neutrophils from all patients. The priming eflect of rhGM‐CSF was consistently greater than that of rhG‐CSF in each patient. The intravenous administration of rhG‐CSF (300 μg/body) to two MDS patients showed an increase in the peripheral blood neutrophil count and enhancement of neutrophil O2 release. These findings demonstrate that the neutrophil O2‐releasing capacity in MDS varies from patient to patient and is not always impaired, and that rhGM‐CSF is able to prime neutrophils which never respond to rhG‐CSF.

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