Rapid and extensive membrane reorganization by dendritic cells following exposure to bacteria revealed by high-resolution imaging

Using live cell imaging, we demonstrate that immature dendritic cells (DC) derived from human peripheral blood monocytes undergo pronounced morphologic changes in vitro within minutes of exposure to unopsonized Escherichia coli, developing extensive membrane veils that efficiently capture additional bacteria. Internalization does not occur in the veils, but instead, bacteria are transported to the central region of the cell, where they sink directly into the plasma membrane. In contrast, exposure to polystyrene beads does not induce notable changes in cell morphology, and DC do not efficiently capture beads when introduced alone or mixed with bacteria. Long dendritic processes were also visualized in some cells that allowed capture of clumps of bacteria at a distance of more than 100 μm. These results demonstrate that immature DC can distinguish between inert particles and bacteria and alter their shape and phagocytic capacity in response to the latter.