Spindle microtubules in flux

Accurate and timely chromosome segregation is a task performed within meiotic and mitotic cells by a specialized force-generating structure – the spindle. This micromachine is constructed from numerous proteins, most notably the filamentous microtubules that form a structural framework for the spindle and also transmit forces through it. Poleward flux is an evolutionarily conserved mechanism used by spindle microtubules both to move chromosomes and to regulate spindle length. Recent studies have identified a microtubule-depolymerizing kinesin as a key force-generating component required for flux. On the basis of these findings, we propose a new model for flux powered by a microtubule-disassembly mechanism positioned at the spindle pole. In addition, we use the flux model to explain the results of spindle manipulation experiments to illustrate the importance of flux for proper chromosome positioning.