An array of microelectrodes to stimulate and record from cardiac cells in culture

An array of extracellular microelectrodes containing 25 recording and 6 stimulating electrodes was fabricated using microelectronics technology. Ventricular myocardial cells from 8- to 10-day chick embryos were cultured on the surface of the microelectrode array. Extracellular potentials were recorded simultaneously from multiple sites. Simultaneous recordings of extracellular and transmembrane potentials were made from single sites. Extracellular potentials were also recorded simultaneously with cell motion from single sites. Cells were paced by means of electrical stimuli applied via the stimulating electrodes. Conduction velocity in a strip of cells varied linearly as a function of temperature from 0.21 m/s at 26 degrees C to 0.38 m/s at 36.5 degrees C.

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