The Nuclear Moment of Barium as Determined from the Hyperfine Structure of the Ba II Lines

The hyperfine structure of the Ba II lines λ4934A and λ4554A has been observed. The relative intensities of the observed components of λ4554A have been measured. From these data it was possible to determine the value of the nuclear moment of Ba135,137, if it is assumed that the barium isotopes 136 and 138 have no nuclear spin. The most probable value obtained for i is 52. The separation of the hyperfine levels of 6sS122 is 0.272 cm1, of 6pP122 is 0.039 cm1, and of 6pP322 is approximately 0.033 cm1. In all other terms the hyperfine splitting is very small. There is some evidence that there is an isotopic shift of the center of gravity of the levels of the odd isotopes with respect to the even isotopes, and it has a probable value of 0.022 cm1 for the P122 state, and 0.017 cm1 for the P322 state.

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