Comparison of two formulae for estimation of glomerular filtration rate in children

Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was measured in 216 studies in 151 children using the cimetidine protocol. This was compared with the GFR calculated using Léger’s pharmacokinetic equation and with that calculated using k*L/[Cr]s (constant × length in centimeters divided by serum creatinine concentration). The GFR calculated using the equation GFR=k*L/[Cr]s yielded a closer approximation to the measured GFR than that using Léger’s pharmacokinetic equation. Currently there is focus on screening children for decreased GFR to identify those with asymptomatic chronic kidney disease at a time when intervention may delay progression to chronic renal failure. This study showed close approximation of the calculated GFR with the measured GFR using the equation GFR=k*L/[Cr]s, when the values for k were determined in the laboratory in which creatinine was measured.