Campylobacter-Like Organisms and Surface Epithelium Abnormalities in Active, Chronic Gastritis in Humans: An Ultrastructural Study

A prospective light and electron microscopic study of repeated endoscopic gastric biopsy specimens obtained from 10 patients presenting at the first examination for long-standing erosive gastritis was performed. In nearly all specimens from 7 patients, spiral bacteria were found in close contact to the surface epithelial cells and associated with active inflammatory changes. These organisms appeared similar to those recently described as gastric “campylobacter-Like organisms” (GCLO). It is possible that they are related to unusual anaerobic spirochetes. In the specimens obtained after antibiotictherapy the bacteria were few in number and damaged. At the ultrastructural level, the presence of cell necrosis and autolytic intracytoplasmic vacuoles combined with damaged bacteria may suggest a relationship between GCLO surface colonization and erosive epithelial abnormality. Such colonization does not occur in normal mucosa.