Phospholipids of the South African pilchard(Sardina ocellata Jenyns)

Chromatographic resolution of phospholipids from the flesh of the South African pilchard(Sardina ocellata Jenyns) revealed the presence of cardiolipins, cephalins, inositol phosphatides, cerebrosides, sphingomyelins, lecithins, lysoleci‐thins and plasmalogens. Column and paper Chromatographic techniques were used to identify ethanolamine, serine, cho‐line, sphinogsine and inositol in pilchard phos‐pholipid hydrolysates. The fatty acids of pilchard phospholipids com‐prised large amt of C22 hexaenoic, C20 pentaenoic and C16 saturated acids, with smaller amt of C18 dienoic, C18 monoenoic and C18 saturated acids.