Report of the Validation and Technology Transfer committee of the Johns Hopkins Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing Framework for validation and implementation ofin vitrotoxicity tests

The development and application of in vitro alternatives designed to reduce or replace the use of animals, or to lessen the distress and discomfort of laboratory animals, is a rapidly developing trend in toxicology. However, at present there is no formal administrative process to organize, coordinate, or evaluate validation activities. A framework capable of fostering the validation of new methods is essential for the effective transfer of new technological developments from the research laboratory into practical use. This committee has identified four essential validation resources: chemical bank(s), cell and tissue banks, a data bank, and reference laboratories. The creation of a Scientific Advisory Board composed of experts in the various aspects and endpoints of toxicity testing, and representing the academic, industrial and regulatory communities, is recommended. Test validation acceptance is contingent upon broad buy-in by disparate groups in the scientific community—academics, industry and government. This is best achieved by early and frequent communication among parties and agreement upon common goals. It is hoped that the creation of a validation infrastructure composed of the elements described in this report will facilitate scientific acceptance and utilization of alternative methodologies and speed implementation of replacement, reduction and refinement alternatives in toxicity testing.