New Wild Tetrahymena from Southeast Asia, China, and North America, Including T. malaccensis, T. asiatica, T. nanneyi, T. caudata, and T. silvana n. spp.

Tetrahymena of the T. pyriformis complex collected from varied habitats in Malaysia, Thailand, and The People''s Republic of China include strains of the micronucleate species T. americanis and T. canadensis and the amicronucleate T. pyriformis and T. elliotti. Two new breeding species are described.sbd.T. malaccensis sp. nov. from Malaysia and T. asiatica sp. nov. from China and Thailand. Two wild selfers from China and some of the amicronucleate strains from all three countries fall into isozymic groups similar to named micronucleate and amicronucleate species. The T. patula complex is represented by 2 groups of clones from Malaysia that fit the morphological description of T. vorax. They have radically different isozymic electrophoretic patterns and both groups differ from those of previously described T. vortex. As their molecules indicate relationships to other T. vorax strains as distinct as that between T. vorax and T. leucophrys, they are considered to be new species, T. caudata sp. nov. and T. silvana sp. nov. A 3rd new breeding species, T. nanneyi sp. nov. was identified among strains previously collected in North America. Viable immature progeny were obtained from the new strains of the 5 breeding species. Maximum temperature tolerances were determined for the new strains of 4 of the breeding species.