Photosynthetic rates, chlorophyll content, and activities of several photosynthetic enzymes were determined per cell, per unit DNA, and per unit leaf area in five ploidal levels of the C4 dicot Atriplex confertifolia. Volumes of bundle sheath and mesophyll protoplasts were measured in enzymatic digestions of leaf tissue. Photosynthetic rates per cell, contents of DNA per cell, and activities of the bundle sheath enzymes ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPC) and NAD-malic enzyme per cell were correlated with ploidal level at 99% or 95% confidence levels, and the results suggested a near proportional relationship between gene dosage and gene products. There was also a high correlation between volume of mesophyll and bundle sheath cells and the ploidal level. Contents of DNA per cell, activity of RuBPC per cell, and volumes of cells were correlated with photosynthetic rate per cell at the 95% confidence level. The mesophyll cells did not respond to changes in ploidy like the bundle sheath cells. In the mesophyll cells the chlorophyll content per cell was constant at different ploidal levels, there was less increase in cell volume than in bundle sheath cells with an increase in ploidy, and there was not a significant correlation (at 95% level) of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activity or content and pyruvate,Pi dikinase activity with increase in ploidy. The number of photosynthetic cells per unit leaf area progressively decreased with increasing ploidy from diploid to hexaploid, but thereafter remained constant in octaploid and decaploid plants. Numbers of cells per leaf area were not correlated with cell volumes. The mean photosynthetic rates per unit leaf area were lowest in the diploid, similar in 4×, 6×, and 8×, and highest in the decaploid. The photosynthetic rate per leaf area was highly correlated with the DNA content per leaf area.