Treatment of anti‐recombinant interferon‐alpha 2 antibody positive CML patients with natural interferon‐alpha

Summary Of 38 patients with a Philadelphia-chromosome positive chronic myeloid leukaemia treated with recombinant interferon alpha (rIFN-α) 2a or 2b and monitored for emergence of IFN-antibodies in their sera 11 patients developed rIFN-α2 binding and 10 rIFN-α2 neutralizing antibodies. rIFN-α neutralizing antibody positive patients experienced significantly (PP6 I.U. weekly s.c.). Under such treatment two of the six patients achieved a long-lasting complete, one a partial haematological remission. In high-titred IFN-antibody positive patients significantly altered serum-IFN-titre and minimal IFN-inducible Mxhomologue concentrations were measured; in contrast, nIFN-α induced normal IFN-titre and dose-equivalent Mxhomologue amounts in these patients. The data prove that high-titred rIFN-α neutralizing antibodies abrogate the biological action of rIFN-α, but not of nIFN-αin vivo and explains why nIFN-α can be effective in the anti rIFN-α2 positive patients.