Polarized laser excitation, electron paramagnetic resonance, and crystal-field analyses ofSm3+-dopedLiYF4

Using both optical absorption and laser-excited fluorescence, we have determined 55 crystal-field energy levels of the Sm3+ center in LiYF4:Sm3+. Electron paramagnetic resonance determines the symmetry of the center to be tetragonal, with effective spin Hamiltonian parameters of g=0.410±0.005 and g=0.644±0.002. Inclusion of hyperfine interactions yields magnetic hyperfine constants of A=205±5MHz and A=735±5MHz for the 147Sm isotope and A=165±5MHz and A=605±5MHz for the 149Sm isotope. Truncating the 4f5 configuration to the lowest 30 multiplets, D2d symmetry crystal-field fits to the experimental energy levels yield physically reasonable crystal-field parameters with standard deviations under 11 cm1. Simultaneous diagonalization of the crystal- and magnetic-field perturbation matrices give calculated magnetic splitting factors in good agreement with the measured ground-state g factors.