SUMMARY.The diversity of Eastern Rift Valley alkaline saline lakes is illustrated and their temporal fluctuations in ionic concentration are emphasized.The standing crop densities of phytoplanktonic blue‐green algae of the genusSpirulinaand benthic diatoms were measured.Spirulinaabundance was measured as dry mass density and the validity of the gravimatric estimates was checked by chlorophyll analysis and microscopic counting. Benthic diatom standing crops were assessed by chlorophyll determinations.Spirulinadensity is extremely variable in time and may fluctuate over more than an order of magnitude. High density blooms ofSpirulinaare not a common characteristic feature of these lakes. The causes of changes inSpirulinastanding crop and the associated alterations in the structure of the primary producer community are discussed and three qualitative states which may occur are described.Similar standing crops of benthic diatoms (mean 45 mg m−2of chlorophyll‐α) were found at all lakes wherever the water depth was shallow enough to allow light penetration to the sediment surface.