Spin-lattice relaxation rates forNd3+,Er3+, andCe3+in LaCl3between 2.7 and 29 K

The spin-lattice relaxation rates of Nd3+, Er3+, and Ce3+ in LaCl3 have been measured in two nonoverlapping temperature regions between 2.7 and 29 K using pulse-saturation-recovery techniques to measure T1 at the lower temperatures, and linewidth broadening to measure T2 at the higher temperatures. T2 data from Nd exhibit dominant, isotropic Orbach relaxation mechanisms involving the first two excited states at 166.0 and 177.3 K. There is indirect evidence from the T1 data that these Orbach rates are phonon limited, i.e., bottlenecked. The T1 data for Nd also show a dominant Raman relaxation process between 5 and 8 K but there is a 100% angular anisotropy measured at 6 K. T2 data from Er show Orbach relaxation processes involving the first two excited states at 54.55 and 92.47 K, and together with the T1 data indicate that the Orbach process involving the lower energy level, is phonon limited. T2 data from Ce show a completely dominant Orbach relaxation process involving an excited state at 53.3 ± 1.7 K. This is in good agreement with the optical value of 54.0 ± 4.5 K, but in sharp contrast to all previous data involving T1 measurements where values of 46 K were reported. An existing model for this discrepancy predicts that it should diminish at higher temperatures where our T2 measurements were made.