Net photosynthesis (10 klx light intensity, 150 μE m-2 s-1 PAR) and dark respiration of the lichen Ramalina maciformis at different temperatures are measured in relation to thallus water content. Both first increase with increasing hydration. Dark respiration then remains constant with increased water content until thallus saturation. In contrast, a further increase in water content leads to a depression of net photosynthesis, as shown in previous studies, after a maximum of CO2 uptake has been attained. However, the extent of this depression depends strongly on temperature. In saturated thalli (160% water content in relation to lichen dry weight) the depression amounts to about 15% and 63% of the maximum unsaturated rate at 5°C and 25°C thallus temperature, respectively. The moisture compensation-point of net photosynthesis is also decisively determined by temperature (for 0°C at 20% water content; for 25°C at 15%), and the water content that allows maximum rates of CO2 uptake (for 0°C at 80%; for 25°C at less than 40% water content). An electrical analogue of CO2 exchange in a lichen thallus is presented, and it is suggested that the experimental results may be interpreted in terms of temperature-dependent CO2 diffusion resistances in imbibed lichen thalli.