Audiologic Evaluation of Deaf Children

This paper describes an audiologic test battery for hearing-impaired children which includes otoscopic examination, tympanometry, pure-tone audiometry, speech perception testing, and hearing aid evaluation. Several of the procedures and modifications to apparatus have been developed specifically for use with deaf children. Clinical data are presented from 160 hearing-impaired children (age range three-16 years). Eighteen percent of their ears were found to contain excessive cerumen and to require ear canal irrigation. The incidence of abnormal tympanograms was high for young children but decreased with increasing age. A simple auditory speech perception test designed for use with both severely and profoundly deaf children is described, which provides for evaluation of a child’s ability to recognize words, categorize them into stress patterns, or both. The children’s word recognition and word categorization scores were found to relate to their audiometric averages. The overall test battery is easy to administer and also is efficient, in that considerable audiologic information can be obtained quickly.