Consciousness of body: Private and public.

A body consciousness questionnaire administered to 188 undergraduates yielded 2 separate factors: Private (awareness of internal sensations) and Public Body Consciousness (awareness of observable aspects of body). For each factor, norms, test–retest reliability data, and correlations with other personality measures (Self-Consciousness Inventory, Hypochondriasis scale of the MMPI, and the Emotionality scale of the EASI [Emotionality, Activity, Sociability, Impulsivity] Temperament Survey) are presented. An experiment on reaction to ingestion of caffeine revealed that only Ss high in private body consciousness or high in both private body consciousness and private self-consciousness were stimulated by caffeine; individual differences in public body consciousness and in private self-consciousness alone had no impact. Findings have implications for biofeedback, false physiological feedback, and excitation transfer. (26 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved)

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