Secrecy Capacities for Multiple Terminals

We derive single-letter characterizations of (strong) secrecy capacities for models with an arbitrary number of terminals, each of which observes a distinct component of a discrete memoryless multiple source, with unrestricted and interactive public communication permitted between the terminals. A subset of these terminals can serve as helpers for the remaining terminals in generating secrecy. According to the extent of an eavesdropper's knowledge, three kinds of secrecy capacity are considered: secret key (SK), private key (PK), and wiretap secret key (WSK) capacity. The characterizations of the SK and PK capacities highlight the innate connections between secrecy generation and multiterminal source coding without secrecy requirements. A general upper bound for WSK capacity is derived which is tight in the case when the eavesdropper can wiretap noisy versions of the components of the underlying multiple source, provided randomization is permitted at the terminals. These secrecy capacities are seen to be achievable with noninteractive communication between the terminals. The achievability results are also shown to be universal.

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