Although vascular nevi are generally considered to be inherited,1 pedigrees do no seem to have been published. Actually, the genetic background has been essentially derived from the study of the occurrence of these nevi in twins.2 In particular, nevus flammeus has but rarely been reported to have been inherited. Siemens3 and Cockayne,4 in their comprehensive surveys on heredity in cutaneous diseases, cited but a single known instance in which nevus flammeus appeared in parent and child. Their reference was to Benedict,5 who described a family in which the mother had a large discontinuous portwine stain on the right side, involving the chest, arm and shoulder, while 1 of her 5 children presented a large portwine stain covering the right side of the chest and neck and the right arm. Strangely, even though nevus flammeus of the nape of the neck is seen in 5 per

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