Butyllithium Polymerization of Butadiene. II. Effects of Solvent and Temperature on Association of Polybutatadienyl Lithium

In the butyllithium polymerization of butadiene in aliphatic solvents at 25°C, the first few monomer units are incorporated largely in a 1, 2 manner. With increasing degree of polymerization the extent of 1, 2 addition decreases to a limiting value of about 10% at a degree of polymerization of about 50. However, within this region of high 1, 2-addition increasing solvent basicity, i.e., changing from aliphatic to aromatic solvents, markedly reduces extent of 1, 2 addition and also narrows the molecular weight distribution. Further, in aliphatic solvents, increasing polymerization temperature from 25 to 60°C also results in a marked reduction in 1, 2 addition. These results are consistent with the concept that an ion pair of the associated organolithium complex, [R (n-1 Lin] ⊕R⊖, is the active polymerization species and that changes in mode of monomer incorporation are due to changes in the degree of association of the entire organolithium system.

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