Behavioral Correlates of Computed Tomographic (CT) Scan Changes in Older Psychiatric Patients

Psychiatric inpatients (50) aged 50 and over, with no hard neurologic findings, and with a variety of DSM-III [Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-III] diagnoses (adjustment disorder, affective illness, and dementia), were rated for behavioral and psychiatric symptoms using the Geriatric Rating Scale and the Nurse''s Assessment of Global Symptomatology-Elderly. These clinical ratings were correlated with computed tomographic (CT) scan assessments of various superficial cerebral regions as well as with linear measures of ventricular size. Behavioral deficits in activities of daily living (ADL) plus an interactional variable, inability to respond to requests, were correlated with superior temporal and inferior parietal CT abnormalities, particularly on the left side. Suspiciousness and peculiar thinking, mood lability and irritability, as well as impaired memory with confusion, perplexity, and disorientation were also associated with atrophy in these same regions. Prefrontal area defects correlated with mood lability and deficits in visual-interactional responsiveness. Statistically controlling for effects of age and alcohol abuse did not alter the basic nature of these results. Regional cerebral specialization in relation to these results are discussed using concepts developed by Luria.

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