Chiral and flavor SU(2) and SU(3) symmetry breaking in quantum chromodynamics

We calculate light-quark mass differences in the framework of the Laplace-transform QCD sum rules using an improved parametrization of the hadronic spectral functions. Our results are (m¯s-m¯u)1 GeV=185±15 MeV and (m¯d-m¯u)1 GeV=4±1 MeV. Using an earlier determination of the quark-mass sums based on similar techniques, these results lead to: m¯u(1 GeV)=6±1 MeV, m¯d(1 GeV)=10±1 MeV, and m¯s(1 GeV)=192±15 MeV. Next, we estimate the difference of the light-quark vacuum condensates in the framework of the Laplace-transform QCD sum rules. Our results are ψ(0)us=-(0–3.5)×104 GeV4 and ψ(0)ud=-(0–2.4)×107 GeV4, where ψ(0)ij are the renormalization-group-invariant quantities ψ(0)ij=-(m¯j-m¯i) 〈ψ¯j ψj¯i ψi〉. These values imply a small flavor symmetry breaking in the QCD nonperturbative vacuum, i.e., 〈s¯s〉/〈ūu〉=0.9±0.1 and 1-〈d¯d〉/〈ūu〉=(0–6)×103. .AE