Cutting Edge: Cytolytic Effector Function in Human Circulating CD8+ T Cells Closely Correlates with CD56 Surface Expression

Recent data suggest that human effector CD8+ T cells express a distinct CD27CD45RAhigh (CD57+CD28CD11ahigh) phenotype. Here, we propose that CTL effector function correlates better with CD56 (neuronal cell adhesion molecule (NCAM)) surface expression. CD56 was absent on cord blood CD8+ T cells, but was expressed by 4–30% of freshly isolated circulating CD8+ T cells from 15 adults. Dramatic oligoclonal expansions in 3/3 individuals were confined to the CD56+ subset of CD8+ T cells. The CD56+ subset generally contained high amounts of intracellular perforin and granzyme B. Finally, direct cytolytic capacity was closely restricted to the CD56+(CD45RAhigh) cells, better than to CD27CD45RAhigh cells in 5/5 individuals analyzed. Thus, the phenotype corresponding to the circulating effector CD8+ T cell pool may be simplified and more precisely defined by the use of just two surface markers: CD8 and CD56.