The Posture-Based Motion Planning Framework: New Findings Related to Object Manipulation, Moving Around Obstacles, Moving in Three Spatial Dimensions, and Haptic Tracking

We describe the results of recent studies inspired by the posture-based motion planning theory (Rosenbaum et al., 2001). The research concerns analyses of human object manipulation, obstacle avoidance, three-dimensional movement generation, and haptic tracking, the findings of which are discussed in relation to whether they support or fail to support the premises of the theory. Each of the aforementioned topics potentially challenges the theory’s claim that, in motion, goal postures are planned before the selection of movements towards those postures. However, even the quasi-continuous phenomena under study show features that comply with prospective, end-state-based motion planning. We conclude that progress in motor control should not be frustrated by the view that no model is, or will ever be, optimal. Instead, it should find promise in the steady growth of insights afforded by challenges to existing theories.