Stimulation of photosynthesis and growth of photoautotrophically cultured plant cells by choline and its analogs

The effects of choline and its analogs, allylcholine and benzylcholine, on the photosynthesis and on the cell growth were examined using photoautotrophically, photomixotrophically and heterotrophically cultured cells. The addition of choline and its analogs stimulated the cellular photosynthetic activity and enhanced the dry weight increase in both photoautotrophic and photomixotrophic cells. However, the growth of heterotrophic cells did not increase by the addition of choline and choline analogs. The photosynthetic electron transport activity in thylakoid membrane was enhanced when cells were treated with choline and choline analogs, suggesting that thylakoid membranes are the initial site of the stimulation of cellular photosynthesis. The stimulatory effect of choline and choline analogs was sustained even after 3 week-culture. Among the choline analogs tested, benzylcholine showed the most quick effect and was effective at a lower concentration (1 mg/l) than choline (10 mg/l).