The Challenge of Achieving Measles Elimination in the Eastern Mediterranean Region by 2010

In 1997, the Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR) of the World Health Organization adopted a resolution to eliminate measles by 2010. Of the 23 EMR member countries, 18 are polio‐free and are building on this success to eliminate measles. The 5 countries where polio remains endemic are prioritizing polio eradication and working to improve measles control. Measles incidence has been reduced from 193/100,000 in 1981 to 6.8/100,000 in 2001. Supplemental vaccination campaigns for measles have been conducted since 1994 in 14 of the 18 polio‐free countries. More than 50 million children have been immunized in these supplemental activities. However, in Afghanistan, Sudan, Somalia, Djibouti, and Pakistan, where 34% of the EMR population live, routine vaccination coverage for measles remains below 60% and measles deaths are estimated at 81,000 annually among children <5 years old. Significant resources must be allocated to these last 5 countries to achieve regional measles elimination by 2010.