A solid-state 15N−1H correlation NMR experiment is presented, which provides a substantial gain in signal sensitivity by 1H inverse detection under fast MAS conditions and allows for the precise determination of NH bond lengths via heteronuclear 1H−15N dipole−dipole couplings on samples naturally abundant in 15N. Pulsed-field gradients or, alternatively, radio frequency pulses ensure suppression of unwanted 1H signals. In this way, natural-abundance 15N−1H correlation NMR spectroscopy becomes feasible in the solid state with experiment times of a few hours. The dipole−dipole coupling constants are extracted from spinning sideband patterns generated by recently developed recoupling strategies. The information on 15N/1H chemical shifts and quantitative 15N−1H couplings can readily be combined in a single two-dimensional spectrum using a split-t1 approach.

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