The distribution of cortical projections from areas 17, 18 and 19 to the lateral thalamus, pretectum and superior colliculus was investigated with the autoradiographic tracing method. Cortical areas 17, 18 and 19 were demonstrated to project retinotopically and in register upon the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus, medial interlaminar nucleus, lateral zone of the lateral posterior complex, nucleus of the optic tract and superior colliculus. Area 19 projected retinotopically upon the pulvinar nucleus. Clear retinotopic organization was not demonstrable in the projections of areas 17, 18 and 19 to the reticular complex of the thalamus and ventral lateral geniculate nucleus, or in the projection of area 19 to the anterior pretectal nucleus. The cortical projections were employed to define the retinotopic organization of the nucleus of the optic tract, pulvinar nucleus and lateral zone of the lateral posterior complex. The cortical projections show the vertical meridian to be represented caudally, with the lower visual field represented laterally, and the upper visual field medially, within the nucleus of the optic tract. The projections of area 19 to the pulvinar nucleus demonstrate the lower visual field to be represented rostrally and the upper visual field caudally in this nucleus; the vertical meridian to be represented at the lateral border and the visual field periphery to be represented at the medial border of the pulvinar nucleus. Cortical projections to the lateral zone of the lateral posterior complex demonstrate the lower visual field to be represented rostrally and the upper visual field caudally; the vertical meridian to be represented at the medial limit and the visual field periphery at the lateral border of the termination zones. On the basis of the experimental findings, a new terminology is introduced for the feline lateral posterior complex. Divisions are proposed which correspond to zones with demonstrably distinct afferent input. The pulvinar nucleus is defined by the distribution of projections from area 19. Three flanking divisions are defined within the lateral posterior complex; a lateral division recipient of projections from area 17, 18 and 19, an interjacent division recipient of projections of the superficial layers of the superior colliculus, and a medial division flanking the tectorecipient zone medially.