In the ewe, plasma luteinizing hormone and prolactin concentrations exhibit seasonal variations. During long days, inhibition of pulsatile luteinizing hormone secretion is mediated by monoamines. In a model of ovariectomized ewes bearing a subcutaneous oestradiol implant, we previously showed that the steroid-dependent inhibition of luteinizing hormone involves the A15 dopaminergic nucleus of the retrochiasmatic area. In the present work, we compared the aminergic activities of tele-diencephalic structures in groups of ovariectomized ewes under artificial illumination for short versus long days (8 versus 16 h/day of light, respectively). Half the animals in each group were bearing a subcutaneous oestradiol implant. Using high-performance liquid chromatography and electrochemical detection, we measured the levels of amines and amine metabolites in 'punches' of tissues from regions containing luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone axon terminals or cell bodies and catecholaminergic structures. Concurrently, we checked the pulsatile luteinizing hormone release and plasma prolactin concentration to assess the ability of our model to mimic seasonal changes in the hormonal status. As expected, ovariectomized ewes with a subcutaneous oestradiol implant showed an inhibition of the pulsatile luteinizing hormone release under long days. A higher concentration of plasma prolactin was also observed under long days, without any effect of the steroid treatment. Under this light regimen, statistically significant higher contents of dopamine than under short days were found in the stalk-median eminence. Larger contents of homovanillic acid, a dopamine metabolite, and 4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenylethyleneglycol (MHPG), a noradrenaline metabolite were observed in the infundibular nucleus, while the catechola-mines themselves remained unchanged. Furthermore, oestradiol also significantly increased the content of MHPG in the latter structure. During long days, animals without oestradiol treatment exhibited a significant lower content of noradrenaline in the A15 nucleus, without any alteration of the dopamine content. Daylength or oestradiol treatment had no significant effects on the levels of amines or amine metabolites in the preoptic or septal areas. Thus, our results in the ewe underline the role played by the medial basal hypothalamus in the catecholaminergic regulation of seasonal changes in hormone release and suggest modifications in the turnover of the neurotransmitters in some structures.

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