Occurrence of different cancers in patients with Parkinson's disease

The study was based on three computerised registers in Denmark. From the Danish hospital discharge register we extracted all records of admissions of patients with a primary diagnosis of Parkinson's disease during 1977-89 and identified a cohort of 7046 people with the disease (3470 men and 3576 women). Information on cancer incidence and death among cohort members from their first recorded admission for Parkinson's disease till the end of 1990 was obtained from the Danish cancer registry and from the Danish register of deaths. The expected numbers of cases of cancer were calculated from the person years at risk among cohort members and the incidences of cancer in the Danish population, with due account being taken of age and calendar period. Relative risks were calculated as the ratios of the observed to the expected numbers of cases of cancer and are presented with their 95% confidence intervals. The average duration of follow up was 4.6 years.