Long-term Study after Perforation of the Round Window: Animal Experiments Using Electric Response Audiometry

The round-window membrane of the inner ear of the guinea pig was perforated with a platinum wire under ketamin-xylazin anaesthesia. The latency times of waves I and V (Jewett) increased to 0.6 ms at 100 dB click HL stimulus loudness. The interpeak latencies did not change (4.0-4.2 ms). At 60 dB CHL stimulus loudness, no responses were discernible. Closure of the membrane damage by adhesive fibrin tissue had no effect on the auditory nerve potentials or the brain-stem responses. Normal latency times of waves I-V were seen 7 days after perforation. There was no difference between the animals with repaired and unrepaired membrane damage. We observed spontaneous healing of the round-window membrane 7 days after perforation, and a normal organ of corti.

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