Immune cytotoxic activity of human eosinophils againstTrichinella spiralisnewborn larvae

SUMMARY: The ability of human eosinophils to kill the newborn larvae (NBL) of Trichinella spiralis of different maturation status, in the presence of antibody, was studied. A cytotoxic in vitro test was performed using NBL less than 2h of age (NBL2) or NBL maintained in culture at 37°C for 20 h (NBL20), peripheral blood eosinophils, anti‐Trichinella serum and human fresh serum as source of complement. Under these experimental conditions eosinophils from normal individuals attached to NBL2as well as to NBL2o but only the latter were killed. On the other hand, eosinophils from volunteers with eosinophilia killed NBL regardless of larval age. Neither adherence nor significant mortality was observed in the absence of immune serum. These results indicate that NBL maturation and eosinophil activation status are crucial for antibody‐dependent cellular cytotoxic reaction (ADCC).