Complement Killing of Yersinia enterocolitica and Retention of the Bacteria by Leucocyte Removal Filters

We report studies on the complement sensitivity of four strains of Yersinia enterocolitica, serotypes O:3, O:9, O:5,27, and O:20, isolated from blood units involved in transfusion fatalities. Complement in fresh CPD plasma killed Y. enterocolitica within 4 h at 22°C in 100% of the experiments. The bactericidal action was serotype and complement activation pathway dependent. Both classic and alternate pathways seemed to be active, but the latter to a lesser degree. When the classic pathway was blocked by chelation of Ca2+ no complete killing was obtained. Complement did not enhance or condition Yersinia for leucocyte filter retention. Direct removal of Yersinia by filtration was also related to serotype; all strains were reduced by filtration in heat‐inactivated plasma, and all except serotype O:5,27 were reduced in Ca2+ ‐chelated plasma. Our findings may explain why plasma products and platelet concentrates are rarely involved in Yersinia sepsis related to transfusion.