Proteomic research: potential opportunities for clinical and physiological investigators

Proteomics is the comprehensive and systematic study of proteins, which are functional molecules. Although proteins are products of gene expression, there are more proteins than genes due to the posttranslational modifications of proteins, making the study of proteins difficult. Protein expression is tissue specific, and its function is modulated by variety of factors, including other proteins, phosphates, sulfates, carbohydrates, and lipids, as well as other metabolites. Because of the dynamic nature of protein expression and posttranslational modifications, identification and quantification of proteins alone are not sufficient to understand functional changes. Emerging technologies will allow investigators to perform a combination of metabolic labeling and identification as well as quantification and measurement of the synthesis rates of a large number of proteins in a tissue. This offers the opportunity to better understand the regulation of tissue functions. Rapid advances in mass spectrometry, protein purification techniques, isotope labeling of proteins, and bioinformatics are likely to improve our understanding of physiological states and altered functions in diseased states. Such mechanistic information will improve the ability to perform early diagnosis of tumors and other diseases and develop prognostic indexes and novel therapies.