Supernova Simulations with Boltzmann Neutrino Transport: A Comparison of Methods

Accurate neutrino transport has been built into spherically symmetric simulations of stellar core collapse and postbounce evolution. The results of such simulations agree that spherically symmetric models with standard microphysical input fail to explode by the delayed, neutrino-driven mechanism. Independent groups implemented fundamentally different numerical methods to tackle the Boltzmann neutrino transport equation. Here we present a direct and detailed comparison of such neutrino radiation-hydrodynamical simulations for two codes, Agile-Boltztran of the Oak Ridge-Basel group and Vertex of the Garching group. The former solves the Boltzmann equation directly by an implicit, general relativistic discrete angle method on the adaptive grid of a conservative implicit hydrodynamics code with second-order TVD advection. In contrast, the latter couples a variable Eddington factor technique with an explicit, moving-grid, conservative high-order Riemann solver with important relativistic effects treated by an effective gravitational potential. The presented study is meant to test both neutrino radiation-hydrodynamics implementations and to provide a data basis for comparisons and verifications of supernova codes to be developed in the future. Results are discussed for simulations of the core collapse and post-bounce evolution of a 13 solar mass star with Newtonian gravity and a 15 solar mass star with relativistic gravity.