Dicken P. and Lloyd P. E. (1978) Inner metropolitan industrial change, enterprise structures and policy issues: case studies of Manchester and Merseyside, Reg. Studies 12, 181–197. Industrial policy in the inner city emphasises the crucial role of small and medium sized local firms. In this paper the enterprise structures of two inner areas, Manchester and Merseyside, are examined in the context of observed industrial change at the establishment level between 1966 and 1975. The enterprise structure of the two areas in both years is identified in the light of a conceptual framework which classifies changes at the plant level into key enterprise categories based upon the locus of control. The major components of industrial change for each area are examined in terms of the contributions made by single and multi-plant firms and by ownership change. The position of inner city plants in single and multi-plant corporate structures is discussed in relation to possible future policies toward inner city areas.