Effect on Urinary Bladder of Unilateral Stimulation of Pelvic Nerves in the Dog

In dogs anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital, unilateral stimulation of intact pelvic nerves or of their distal cut ends, with or without section of the hypogastrics, and at various frequencies and intravesical pressures, always produced prompt and vigorous contractions in all regions of the corresponding side of the viscus. On the contralateral side the responses were weaker, more variable and, in general consisted of several types: a) prompt and vigorous contractions similar to those observed on the stimulated side; b) slightly delayed contractions which were also similar to those obtained on the homolateral side; c) contractions preceded by relaxations; d) relaxations of the detrusor which persisted for the duration of the stimulation; e) isolated segments of the viscus which were totally unresponsive to stimulation. The responses obtained in dogs following unilateral stimulation of pelvic nerves were similar in most respects to those observed previously in cats.