Viral RNA extracted from several potyviruses (bean yellow mosaic [BYMV-Scott], pea mosaic [PMV-204-1 and PMV-Pratt], and clover yellow vine [CYVV-C81 and CYVV-Pratt]) were compared by using direct molecular hybridization. Complementary DNA [cDNA] was synthesized from the RNA templates with reverse transcriptase, and hybridization of the various RNA-cDNA combinations was analyzed. The 2 CYVV isolates and 2 PMV isolates showed partial sequence homology to the BYMV-Scott isolate. Partial sequence homology between PMV-201-1 and PMV-Pratt or between CYVV-C-81 and CYVV-Pratt was demonstrated; however, no sequence homology was found when either of the PMV isolates was compared with either of the CYVV isolates. In the cytoplasmic inclusion body subdivision II, several viruses are distinguished by the formation of nuclear crystalline inclusions. BYMV, PMV and CYVV should be included in this category as different, but related, viruses on the basis of these cDNA data and previous biological and biochemical data.